What we’re doing…
This is part of a bi-weekly run:
Raid times: Fri 9-midnight & Mon 9-midnight (PST/GMT-8)
Start on Wing 3 clear it then go clear wing 2. Make sure you read up on Wing 3 encounters if you are not familiar with them. Fri group was unable to clear Thok so anyone from[Event: Friday Night Flex #4] make sure to post, I will leave open spots in the raid and invite you once we get to him (or you can come for all of it up to you).
This raid is being hosted by <Friday Night Flex> http://FNF.openraid.us/ for more info.
Unless you are a FNF guild member (or have been a regular on prior runs) you will likely not be moved to “Approved” status until the day of the raid.
1) 530+ ilvl (Some exceptions made based on experience)
2) Know basic mechanics of all boss encounters
3) Vent required (will use open raid’s vent)
4) Full consumable use (this is progression so bring your food, pots, flasks etc…)
5) Ability to follow directions, receive and give constructive criticism (I will not put up with name calling, hate speech, swearing etc… take responsibility when you mess up and if you have something to say do so respectfully)
**Raid invites go out ~20mins before the raid starts please be on and ready. IF YOU ARE ON THE APPROVED ROSTER AND HAVE NOT GOTTEN AN INVITE 10 MINS BEFORE THE RAID PLEASE CONTACT ME. If you are not in the raid ~10 mins before start time you risk giving your spot to someone else.
PLEASE BE AWARE!!! If your current level of skill/gear is preventing progression you may be asked to step out.
Old FNF Raids
FNF #1 [Event: Friday Night Flex #1] (cleared wing 1)
FNF #1 pt 2 [Event: FNF#1 pt2] (cleared wing 1)
FNF #2 [Event: Friday Night Flex #2] (cleared wing 1&2 )
FNF #2 pt 2 [Event: FnF #2 pt2 (SoO wing 2 only)] (cleared wing 2)
FNF #3 [Event: Friday Night Flex #3] (cleared wing 1&2)
FNF #3 pt 2 [Event: FnF #3 pt2 (SoO wing 2 only)] (cleared wing 1&2)
FNF #4 [Event: Friday Night Flex #4] (cleared to Thok)
World of Logs http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/289550/