What we’re doing…
We are doing Blackrock Foundry on Heroic Difficulty. This is NOT a fresh raid with all bosses available. We will update in the comments section below once the previous raid has completed on the status of the raid and where we will pick up from on this continuation raid.
This raid starts at 7:30pm Pacific Time
Battletag requests will be sent out up to 24 hours prior to the event.
Raid will begin forming 15 minutes prior to the posted event time.
We are using Mumble (not Ventrilo) for this raid. You must have the program installed and ready prior to the raid starting.
We will END at the posted end time regardless of current progress of this group, as other future raids are possibly scheduled after this event.
Loot Mode: Masterloot
Wipes are expected to occur as we are raiding content that still requires much attention and skill. Having said that, we have a 3 wipe policy for these types of raids. After 3 wipes, we will evaluate the reason for our wipes. Please understand that if you are the reason we are wiping, we will ask you to leave the group and be replaced. We don’t do this because we want to be mean or elitist, but because the time of your fellow raiders is valuable. We want to be an effective raid team, and will help you with any problems in your play, but this may have to wait for another date should we ask you to leave group. We will of course spend time after raid to help you understand any mechanics or help you with your character. We do these raids to help fellow players, and hope you understand our intentions.
Final note: We believe in “keeping the game fun.” We enjoy ourselves while raiding, and hope you feel the same about having a blast while raiding. Having said that, we do not tolerate elitists, mean-spirited people, trolls, etc. We reserve the right to choose what type of people we play with online. Please keep that in mind. Be kind to your fellow gamer.
This raid will be streamed here: http://www.twitch.tv/roy82x (at the discretion of the raid leader).
If you speak in Mumble or make any action in game in front of the raid leader, it will be seen and heard on the stream channel(s), view-able by anyone on the Internet. Please note that we (myself and OpenRaid) will not be responsible for any negative outcomes resulting from our streams.