What we’re doing…
I will be streaming a 24 hour raidthon on Twitch that covers every raid in WoW to help support St. Jude during the PLAY LIVE/ St. Jude Campaign. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of children diagnosed with cancer and working together to find a cure. I have set a goal for my team, Team Zelse, to raise $10,000 by the end of the campaign.
Some have asked me why I am choosing to do this or take part in it and I have several reasons why. When I was twelve years old a tumor was found in my nose and I had to have surgery to have it removed. In doing so, my family and myself had to prepare for the tumor possibly being cancerous. Luckily, the tumor was benign. To see what these children go through makes me want to make a difference for them. I also believe in helping others and working towards a better future. Much like how I put requested runs together for those on OpenRaid to help, I too want to do the same for these children by helping.
Team Zelse consists of a group of gamers & streamers that wish to make our goal a reality. The team is open to all that wish to join and help support these children and finding a cure for cancer. You are not required to stream or donate to join the team, as spreading the word to friends & families is a great help in itself and is greatly appreciated. 100% of the donations donated to Team Zelse go to St. Jude for those that choose to donate.
Do you have to join Team Zelse or donate to get into these events? Absolutely not! This is to explain why I am doing this 24 hour raidathon. If you have any questions about anything in relation to this campaign, please PM me if needed or use the links below for additional information.
About St. Jude: http://www.stjude.org/about
About St. Jude PLAY LIVE: http://fundraising.stjude.org/site/PageServer?pagename=playlive_home#whatisplaylive
Team Zelse’s Team Page: http://fundraising.stjude.org/site/TR/PlayLive/PlayLive?team_id=57685&pg;=team&fr;_id=20860
Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/zelse007
Twitter Page: @Zelse_OpenRaid
Contact: [email protected]
Loot will remain on group loot which will allow people to need main/transmog and greed off. Do not greed disenchant please, as it will not be fair for someone greeding on an offspec item to have the item disenchanted.
Raid Invite Policy:
-Invites go out 15 minutes before start time.
-Please sign up on the character you plan on attending with instead of making it a note.
-If you do not accept my friend request before the raid invite time, I cannot guarantee a raid spot.
-Reserve replacement will begin 1 minute after the start time if approved characters have not joined the raid.
-Be on Ventrilo for raids.
-An understanding of the encounters that the raid will be participating in.
-Food, flasks, and potions are a must.
-Flex raid content will be treated as if they’re normal mode to prepare people for actual normal content.
-Have fun.
Having fun in my raids? Feel free to come back for more scheduled events and be sure to tell your friends.
This event may be recorded/live streamed on the internet. Your voice and virtual likeness may be viewed or recorded by individuals not involved with OpenRaid. OpenRaid is not responsible nor liable for any issues arising from your involvement in this transmission or recording.