Short link to profile:
Member since: July 15th, 2012
Last on OpenRaid: 01/05/2016 17:47
Last synchronisation: 10/05/2016 22:21
Tendrak’s Profile
I am always trying to make an achievement and mount run. If I can mange it I will get the raids going on a regular basis.
Raid Progression
7/7 LFR 5/7 Normal 7/7 Heroic 6/7 Mythic
7/7 LFR 5/7 Normal 7/7 Heroic 6/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundry:
10/10 LFR 10/10 Normal 2/10 Heroic 0/10 Mythic
Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 LFR 13/13 Normal 5/13 Heroic 0/13 Mythic
Challenge modes (WoD dungeons only):
Silver Medals: 1/8
Gold Medals: 1/8